
Euro Roads has the largest fleet of unique and modern machinery and equipment in the CIS, which allows us to carry out large volumes of work on the construction of highways and airfields of international standard in the shortest possible time.

In order to speed up the construction of one of the facilities, we carried out the world's first transportation of the Wirtgen SP 1200 concrete-laying complex (total weight over 100 tons) by TWO legendary AN-124 RUSLAN aircraft. This reduced construction time from 6 months to 2 days.

Основная техника

Concrete Mixing Plant BHS-Sonthofen

Wirtgen SP-1200 concrete paver

Concrete Mixing Plant BHS-Sonthofen

Супермобильный БСУ SBM Euromix 3300

Бетоно-смесительный завод ELKON

Швонарезчик CEDIMA 6021

Заливщик швов Сrafco 125

Газовый самосвал Shacman

Бетоно-смесительный завод ELKON

Фронтальный погрузчик Doosan SD300

Заливщик швов Schafer

Колесный экскаватор Doosan 210WV

Прочая техника

бензовозы, краны, краны-манипуляторы, фаскорезы, автобусы, пикапы

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